Increase your business exposure within the vibrant Franco-British business community and beyond with our digital advertising opportunities.
French Chamber Website
Increase your business’ visibility via prime advertising positions on our website’s homepage or other targeted pages.
- 13K+ pages views per month
- 2.9K+ visitors per month
- 4.6+ minutes per session
Reach Franco-British business leaders via enhanced exposure in our newsletter sent to our database of contacts from the top-level management.
- 5.5K+ contacts (members and non members)
- 34%+ open rate
Social Media
Benefit from extended visibility on our social media accounts with dedicated pinned posts (featured at the top of our page).
- 18.5K+ total followers
- 11.4K+ followers on LinkedIn
The images in the brochure may appear blurry due to our back-office system; this does not reflect our ability to deliver high-quality products.
Contact us for advice or to advertise with us