About our Events & Clubs

The French Chamber events team’s savoir-faire is recognised beyond our membership. We organise over 50 Events & Clubs per year, gathering more than 2,000 participants, that provide a mix of networking, learning and influencing opportunities.

Our diverse programme responds to the priorities of the Franco-British business community. Members can expect regular events on the evolving UK-France relationship, talent and labour management, sustainable and responsible business, and digital transformation, in addition to a range of other topics.


For all members - Network and Learn

Networking receptions
Our quarterly networking receptions provide extensive opportunities to connect with other members, in an informal but prestigious setting


Topical events
Business leaders and inspirational speakers share their experience, their views and their insights on current developments and key topics of interest


Economy, Politics and Current Affairs
Each quarter, an expert speaker brings an overview of the recent and forecasted economic, policital and geopolitical affairs to help inform decision-making


Benefit from fellow members’ expertise and knowledge in our webinars helping you navigating the latest changes in the business landscape


For all members - Black-tie and Special Events

Franco-British Business Awards
The Franco-British Business Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of French and British companies on both sides of the Channel



Franco-British Reception at Parliament
This annual reception, hosted by Stephen Crabb MP, Chair of the APPG for France, brings 200 senior representatives from the Chamber together from MPs and Lords and representatives from Franco-British institutions


Clubs - Exclusive to Patron & Corporate members

Our Clubs are expert communities of senior representatives in similar functions or sectors, that provide a forum in which to learn from each other, exchange best practice, and access a programme of high-level speakers and insights on critical topics

Aimed at senior sustainability leaders and equivalent positions

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Aimed at senior HR representatives and other HR experts

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Aimed at female C-level and senior representatives (by invitation only)

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For Patron & Corporate members - Connect and Influence

Ambassador's Briefs
Ambassador's Briefs are must-attend events for business leaders, to hear about different Ambassador's views on current affairs


Exclusive Networking Events
These intimate events bring together members around cultural themes, offering unique opportunities for informal networking


Exclusive events on Economy, Politics and Current Affairs
Senior members are invited to briefings and intimate networking events on political and economical topics


Check in calls with the Bank of England
Three times per year, an intimate call with the Bank of England and a few members provide an opportunity to discuss business priorities and challenges


Check in calls with the Embassy
Every other month, an intimate call with the French Embassy and a few members provide an opportunity to discuss current affairs and hot topics


Check in calls with the European Central Bank
Three times per year, members are invited to share their evaluation of the business conditions in the UK and to benefit from insight and feedback from the European Central Bank


For Patron members – Exclusive network and influence

President’s Circle Dinners
Held under Chatham House rule, these dinners gather senior representatives around a prestigious guest speaker from the business of the political world


Exclusive events
Business leaders are regularly invited to participate in events that bridge the gap between business, art and culture, for informal networking

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