Advisory Council

The Council consists of up to 66 members of the Chamber – including our 18 Board members - and hosts 2 sessions per year with a view to advising the management of the Chamber on its strategic decisions. The role of the Advisory Councillors is also to increase the effectiveness of the Chamber by actively participating in and leading its activities and to help recruit new members.

Peter Alfandary French Business Development Team, Reed Smith LLP,
Elizabeth Angles d'Auriac President, Chanel UK Region
Thierry d'Argent CEO, Société Générale London Branch and Group Chief Country Officer, UK and Ireland
Julie Barlatier Co-Founder and Co-CEO, BARJANE
Kelly Becker Zone President UK & Ireland, Schneider Electric
Fabrice Bernhard Co-Founder and CTO, Theodo
Jean-Pierre Bertrand Chief Executive Officer, Colas Rail UK
Jean-François Cécillon Co-Founder and Chairman, The Universal Matrix
Emmanuelle Bury UK Country Head, BNP Paribas, French Chamber President
Pascal Boris CBE Chairman & Non-Executive Director, French Chamber Honorary President
Pierre Chabrol Minister Councellor for Economic Affairs, French Embassy
Laurence Colchester Director, Bitter Lemon Press
Arnaud de Saint Exupery Area Vice President, General Manager UK & Ireland
Geraldine Fabre General Counsel UK, RATP Dev
Frederick Fischer Managing Director, Lalique
Sylvie Freund-Pickavance Global Strategy and Business Development Director, Value Retail Management Limited
David Herbinet Partner, UK Head of PIE & Global Audit Leader, Mazars
Aneta Jajkowska Senior Director, People & Organization Partner at Euronorth, Dassault Systemes
Gautier Jacob CEO, Dalkia UK
Nick Lakin Group Corporate Affairs, Kingfisher
Olivier Marret Partner, Valtus UK
Eric Mazillier CEO UK, Decathlon
Simon Mercado Executive Vice-President, ESCP Business School
George Merrylees Partner, Wedlake Bell LLP
Oriel Petry Senior Vice President, Airbus UK
Quentin Michard Partner, Managing Director, Ekimetrics
Olivier Morel Partner & Head of International, Cripps LLP, French Chamber Vice-President
Delphine Mourot Director, UK Office – HEC Paris
Olivier Nicolaÿ Non-Executive Director
Philippe d'Ornano Partner, EY
Mireille Rabaté Founding Head, Lycee International de Londres Winston Churchill
Jérémie Raude-Leroy Founder & CEO, Français à Londres
Marc Reboux Senior Director EMEA Office and Tenant Representation, CBRE Ltd
Rupert Reece Managing Partner, Gide Loyrette Nouel
Nicolas Ribollet Head of Deal Advisory for KPMG Bahrain, French Chamber Treasurer
Emmanuelle Ries Head of French Team, Kingsley Napley
Simone Rossi CEO, EDF Energy
Jerome Salemi General Manager UK & Ireland, Air France-KLM
Paul Scales Executive Vice-President, Capgemini UK
Christophe Sire General Manager, Savencia Fromage & Dairy
Geoff Skingsley Non-Executive Director
Peter Smith Partner Constantin LLP
Marc de Thomasson Director, Victanis Advisory Services
Arnaud Vaissié Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO International SOS, French Chamber Vice-President
Anne-Marie Verstraeten Vice Chair, BNP Paribas UK
Fabienne Viala Chairman, Bouygues Construction
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