Event report

Women's Business Circle Dinner with Dame Carol Black

On 9th March, female executives from our Patron and Corporate members were invited to attend a Women’s Business Circle dinner.

Guest of honour at this event was Professor Dame Carol Black, Independent Adviser to the Government on combatting misuse of drugs.

Dame Carol took the participants through the main milestones of her career, from growing poor in the English countryside to studying and teaching history, then deciding, at age 28, to study medicine. Dame Carol's main message to the attendees was: "It is never too late to do what you want to do". She also highlighted the important role that leaders can play in lifting women around them; stating that it is thanks to others who put her forward for leadership roles that she was able to progress in the earlier part of her career.

The attendees left the dinner feeling inspired and uplifted by Dame Carol's impressive journey.

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