Event report

Sustainability Leads Club: Launch session


Tuesday 1st February saw the official launch of the French Chamber’s new Sustainability Leads Club at the London offices of Schneider Electric. Bringing together a select group of business sustainability leaders, the club will serve as a forum for members to learn about, share and discuss best-practice ideas about sustainable business strategies.

The event kicked off with a presentation by Alice Williams, Schneider Electric’s Senior VP of Strategy and Commercial Excellence, on Schneider Electric’s scorecard system for measuring companies’ progress on meeting sustainable targets.

Members then had the chance to participate in a roundtable discussion on where their own businesses were up to on meeting their targets. Attendees were glad of the opportunity to share information with each other and gain new perspectives on which areas to prioritise.

Over the course of the event, four key areas for discussion emerged: the ‘circular economy’ and decarbonisation, the implications of climate change for social development, finance- and reporting-related topics, and biodiversity.

A particularly interesting discussion on the latter topic arose towards the end of the event. Many members had previously found the subject to be a popular and accessible topic among their clients – but in sustainability strategies, it is often overlooked as an area of focus. Going forward, it was suggested, biodiversity targets could form more of an integral part of business sustainability goals.

The event concluded with an opportunity for members to exchange details and discuss further opportunities for business networking.

Members of the Club will now meet regularly every two months.


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