Event report
Patron: President's Circle Dinner with Elizabeth Anglès d’Auriac, President, Chanel UK Region
On 11 December 2024, the President's Circle Dinner held an inspiring dinner with Elizabeth Anglès d’Auriac, President, Chanel UK Region, as the guest of honour.
Hosted at the iconic Savoy Hotel, this informal and engaging discussion brought together the timeless elegance of Chanel and the storied history of The Savoy. Franck X. Arnold, Managing Director at The Savoy Hotel, set the stage by sharing captivating anecdotes about The Savoy’s heritage, drawing a fascinating link between the hotel and Chanel’s own legacy of innovation and sophistication.
Then, Elizabeth captivated the audience by sharing a heartfelt love letter to London, celebrating its vibrant culture and resilience.
Elizabeth delved into Chanel’s unwavering commitment to innovation and sustainability, ensuring its legacy remains relevant and forward-thinking. The brand’s key assets—fashion, fragrance, and beauty—remain at the forefront of its identity, showcasing its ability to continually evolve while staying true to its core values.
She also addressed the ever-changing retail landscape and how Chanel tackles its challenges head-on with creativity and resilience.
Whilst the event offered an excellent opportunity for attendees to exchange ideas, share challenges, and foster valuable connections, the conversation left attendees with a deeper appreciation for Chanel’s enduring influence and its ability to innovate in harmony with the values of sustainability and inclusivity.
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