
Webinar | Returning to operations safely


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Price: Free of charge


Event ended.

This webinar will help clarify your operational priorities and decision-making to prepare to return to operations

With the news that lockdown measures are being progressively lifted, organisations must prepare to return to operations. This means that implementing safety measures for your staff and stakeholders - in terms of building and office logistics, medical considerations, transport and mobility, and other issues linked to combating the potential second wave of the pandemic - is now more important than ever.

The French Chamber is delighted to bring you this bespoke webinar with International SOS, to help clarify your operational priorities and decision-making.

Dr Mark Parrish, Regional Medical Director, Northern Europe, International SOS, will provide a comprehensive overview of what is currently known about COVID-19, including its spread and the current state of infections in Europe. He will then discuss the steps organisations can take to ensure a safe return to business and to help combat the curve.

The content shared in this webinar will be insightful to all companies, both large and small, as you plan for a safe return to operations in the forthcoming weeks and months.


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