
WEBINAR | Managing supply chain risks effectively in times of crisis, with Hogan Lovells


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Price: Free of charge


Event ended.

We will discuss key geopolitical, legal & commercial risks when building supply chain resilience and how businesses are dealing with these risks

Over the last six months, a number of organisations have been rocked by unforeseen supply chain vulnerabilities and disruptions caused  by COVID-19 pandemic, Brexit, U.S. tariffs, and other developments, costing hundreds of millions of pounds in industries ranging from pharmaceuticals, luxury, and consumer goods to electronics and automotive. And the disruption in the supply chain will continue, in particular for Franco-British businesses, as the end of the Transition Period for the UK nears.  

What are the geopolitical, legal and business risks associated with supply chain disruption? How can you build processes and procedures that capture both yours and your trading partner's trading patterns and protect your business going forward?

In order to identify and manage these risks successfully, we are delighted to welcome a panel of speakers from a political, legal and business background. This interactive session will also offer you the opportunity to ask questions.


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