Philippe HourdainPresident of the Hauts-de-France Chamber of Commerce

Philippe Hourdain holds a law degree and master’s degree from Lille’s Company Administration Institute.
He began his career in 1979, working in advertising-related publishing until 1986, then between 1986 and 1988 was appointed to the role of mission head at the Ministry of Industry, seconded to Jean Jacques Descamps, Secretary of State for Tourism.
He then pursued his professional career into the world of industrial printing, working as sales manager for Techniphoto until 1994. But thanks to his innate entrepreneurial spirit, in 1994 he and his wife created the company HPC, an agency specialised in document management and the production of printed documents.
Growth was assured, and in 2000 Philippe HOURDAIN acquired two companies: SA ADLIS (Lille) and SA Descamps (Roubaix), offset printers that he united at the same location.
He was then in a position to offer his major clients both offset and digital printing. In 2006, he invested massively in research and development in web-to-print. Development continued in 2009 with the creation of his Paris boutique “Les Exprimeurs”, as well as HPC Paris, in 2010 with the launch of cross-media and in 2013 with the deletion of the object – on digital, the launch of intelligent printing. In 2005 his passion for his profession led him to write a book, “Les imprimeurs, ces hommes qui ont écrit l’histoire” (Printers, the men who wrote history).
Philippe HOURDAIN’s commitment to entrepreneurship led him to take part in consular life from 2004.
He was elected Vice President of the Greater Lille CCI in 2004 and later President in 2010.
But his journey didn’t stop there. He became President of the North of France CCI in June 2016 and then when the French regions merged he was elected in December 2016 to the post of President of the CCI of the new Hauts-de-France region, France’s 4th largest region.
He is also President of the board of directors of the ‘Banque populaire du Nord’ since September 2016. Philippe Hourdain is a Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite (Knight of the National Order of Merit).