Olga KokshaginaForesight, Innovation & Transformation Chair Member, Management in Innovative Health Chair Research Associate, EDHEC

Olga Kokshagina is an Associate Professor in Innovation at EDHEC Business School in France (French Grande Ecole), an Adjunct Researcher at Monash university. She is an affiliated researcher at Learning Planet Institute in Paris and a member of the French Digital Council.

As part of her role she contributes to the industrial chair in health and innovation.

She holds a Ph.D in management science from Mines ParisTech PSL Research University. Her research was a part of an industrial program conducted in collaboration with STMicroelectronics where she was deeply engaged in a range of innovative projects.  She leads the research related activities of the International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) as a Scientific Coordinator and has several years of experience on teaching and managing innovation with organizations like Danone, Airbus, Accenture, Society Generale, Schneider Electric, WHO, Vall d’Hebron Hospital, Roche, QUT University, Marie Stopes Australia.

She has several publications in the leading management and design journals such as Design Studies, Research Policy, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, California Management Review. Her work was featured by the World Economic Forum, L’humanité, Le Figaro, The Conversation. Olga is co-author of The Radical Innovation Playbook and Envisioning the Future of Learning for Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship published by De Gruyter.

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