Laurent BigorgneExecutive Director, Institut Montaigne

Laurent Bigorgne has been Executive Director of Institut Montaigne since 2011. Institut Montaigne is a French leading non-partisan think tank focused on providing the public debate with innovative and pragmatic ideas and helping shape public policy to improve both economic and social environments in France.
Passionate about education, Laurent Bigorgne started his career as a teacher before joining Sciences Po as Dean of Undergraduate Studies (2000-2003). He was then appointed Dean of Studies (2003-2008) and Pro-Vice Chancellor (2007-2009).
He spent a year as a visiting fellow with the General Management of the London School of Economics.
He is a member of the Board of Directors of Agir pour l'Ecole, Teach For France, and the Lycée International de Londres Winston Churchill.
He holds Master's degree from Sciences Po and a B.A. in History from La Sorbonne.