HE Ms Catherine ColonnaFrench Ambassador to the UK

- Attended the Ecole nationale d’administration, 1981-1983
- Second Secretary in Washington, 1983-1986
- Legal Affairs Directorate, French Foreign Ministry, 1986-1988
- Adviser to the office of the Ministre d’Etat, Minister of Public Works and Housing, 1988-1989
- Analysis and Forecasting Centre, French Foreign Ministry, 1989-1990 (Press, information, communication), acting head of news, 1990-1993
- Deputy Director, Deputy Spokesperson, 1993-1995
- Spokesperson, Presidency of the Republic, 1995-2004
- Director General of the French National Centre for Cinematography, 2004-2005
- Minister Delegate for European Affairs, 2005-2007
- Member of the Foreign Affairs White Paper Committee, 2007
- Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of France to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2008-2010
- On leave on personal grounds (Managing Partner, Brunswick Group Inc.), 2010-2014
- Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Rome, 2014-2017,
- Permanent Representative of France to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, since October 2017.
- Officier de la Legion d’honneur
- Officier de l'Ordre National du Merite