Arnaud VaissiéCo-Founder, Chairman & CEO, International SOS

Arnaud Vaissié is Co-founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of International SOS, the world's leading medical and security services company.
After graduating from the Institute of Political Sciences of Paris, Arnaud Vaissié began his business career as a Financial Executive in France, and then moved to San Francisco as Head of Compass Inc for America.
In 1985, alongside Dr. Pascal Rey-Herme, Arnaud Vaissié founded International SOS in Singapore. Due to its path-breaking work, International SOS has achieved fast and consistent growth, expanding first throughout Asia, in the United States and finally in Europe.
Present in 92 countries, the group currently operates with more than 11,000 employees, including 1,400 doctors and 200 security specialists. For the past 35 years, International SOS has provided global services that include assessing medical and security risks, advising on preventative programmes with in-country expertise and assisting with emergency response for travellers, expatriates and their dependents.
International SOS has over 10,000 corporate clients, including 61% of the Fortune 500 companies, as well as Governments and NGOs.
Arnaud Vaissié is the Honorary President of CCI France International which brings together 123 French Chambers of Commerce in 92 countries.
He co-founded the Cercle d'outre-Manche (CoM), a think tank gathering key French leaders of international groups operating in the United Kingdom. Its purpose is to look at competitive issues in both countries and to highlight their very best practices. For the past 4 years, the CoM has also become a "Brexit observatory" from a business perspective.
Board member of the Institut Montaigne, Arnaud Vaissié chairs working groups on French intermediate-sized companies. In February 2018, he published a book titled: “ETI: taille intermédiaire, gros potentiel”.
Arnaud Vaissié chairs the France-Singapore committee at MEDEF International, the French employers’ organisation.
He is also the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Lycée International de Londres, Winston Churchill.
Arnaud Vaissié is chevalier de la Légion d'honneur and officier de l’ordre national du Mérite.