Andrew Sentance CBEBusiness Economist

Dr Andrew Sentance is a senior business economist based in the UK, now working with PwC as their Senior Economic Adviser. Before joining PwC, he served for five years (2006-11) on the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), through the global financial crisis and its aftermath.
Prior to joining the Bank of England, Andrew held senior positions at the CBI, London Business School and British Airways, where he was Chief Economist and Head of Environmental Affairs and advised the airline on business strategy, regulation and major policy issues. He has provided economic advice to businesses, the UK government and international institutions throughout his career, as well as being a regular contributor to the media and publishing widely in academic and business books and journals.
Andrew Sentance studied economics at Cambridge University and the London School of Economics, where he gained his PhD. He is the author of a recent book - “Rediscovering growth: After the crisis” which was published in late 2013.
He was awarded the CBE in the 2012 New Year’s Honours list. He is a former Vice-President of the Society of Business Economists and is also a part-time professor at Warwick Business School