Alexandre HolroydMember of the French National Assembly representing French citizens in Northern Europe

Alexandre Holroyd was elected as a Member of the French National Assembly on the 18th June 2017 for Emmanuel Macron's En Marche movement. His constituency is composed of the French citizens living in Northern Europe (UK, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Latvia, Finland, Lithuania, Estonia and Iceland). Prior to his election, he was working in the private sector and co-founded En Marche! in the United Kingdom in 2016.
Now a member of the Foreign Affair Committee, where he sits as co-chair of the Brexit steering group, he is a former member of Assembly’s Finance Committee, which determines and oversees the national budget. Within the Commission, he worked in 2017 and 2018 on a mission focusing on the public finances of the INSEE and the Banque de France and became in 2019 the special rapporteur for public expanses on Immigration, Asylum and Integration.
In addition, he sits in the European Affairs Committee, for which he was in charge of co-writing a special report on Eurozone governance. He then proposed a European resolution which has now become the official position of the National Assembly on the Eurozone’s future. Those topics allow him to speak regularly with officials all over Europe to enlighten french perspectives.
Deeply committed to the Franco-British relationship, he is the President of the Franco-British parliamentary friendship group and a member of the Franco-British Young Leaders. He was the rapporteur in charge of the Brexit bill at the French national Assembly, which allowed the government to take the necessary measures in case of a no-deal Brexit : on citizen’s rights, infrastructure and financial transactions.
The former French Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, has also nominated Alexandre Holroyd for a six-month mission under the joint authority of the Minister for the Economy & Finance and the Minister for Ecology, Energy & Sustainable Development looking into green finance.
The aim of the mission is to formulate policy and regulatory recommendations to the government both from a market perspective (insurance, investment and banking community) and from a « consumer perspective » (retail banking, green saving products). There is a strong benchmarking element looking particularly at the City of London and the Nordics markets (as well as Luxembourg and the Netherlands).
For La République En Marche, he is in charge of the party position on fiscal affairs at European level and is one of the party Ambassadors to other political parties across Europe.